JORDY SMITH & O’neill, Interview.
Jordy Smith re-signe chez O’neill !!!
Après une année de folie, restant leader du world tour (WSL) pendant tout le début de saison, Jordy Smith termina 4 ème. Plus qu’à bloc pour la saison prochaine, il devrait briller par son talent et son style puissant inimitable.
Habitué du top 5 Mondial chaque années, il repart pour cette saison avec O’neill comme sponsor combinaison. La qualité, la souplesse, des éléments essentiels pour rider au plus au haut niveau.
O’neill chez Side-Shore
Quelques unes de nos combinaisons
There has been much rumour on the wires in South Africa of Jordy Smith’s performances in Cape Town of late.
The dude has been scoring such firing beachbreak barrels, and story has it that he lucked into one of South Africa’s best secret spots as well. Not bad for a long summer in drought country – Cape Town hasn’t had any significant rain for three years. Anyway we checked in with Jords, just as he turned 30-years-old.
Howzit dude! Happy 30th birthday for the 11th. What have you been up to?
I’ve just been getting such good waves everywhere here in Cape Town. I’ve been training and have gone on a few strike missions, up and down the coast, and have just been scoring.
A little while ago, I paddled out at Llandudno, [thick, wedging right-hand beachbreak near Jordy’s house] and it was big and quite gnarly, but with some bombs coming through. Eventually this rogue eight-foot set that caught me just worked me so bad.
I got washed right up on the beach, from way out the back. The set washed over the beach and surprised a few people, hitting them hard and drowning a few cellphones and stuff. Pretty funny.
How does it feel to be 30?
Are you kidding me? It’s the greatest thing to be here, and to be going around this planet for another year, surfing great waves, hanging with friends and family.
Life is good, and things are going great at the moment. I’m just really stoked, and blessed to be living this life. At times it’s hard to believe that I’m 30, but nothing changes. At times it’s hard to believe that I’m 30, but nothing changes
You know, I love surfing, but since I was a kid I have been all about competitive surfing, about being the best and about winning heats and events.
That hasn’t changed, and while is still my ultimate focus, I also need to be having fun. I’m not thinking too far down the line at this stage, but I’m not going to be doing things in life unless I’m having fun along the way.
With a runner up position on the Championship Tour in 2016, and a fourth place last year, are you just as focused as ever?
Yes I am. My goals are exactly the same to be perfectly honest. Not much has changed at all, as far as my competitive career is concerned, but I do also want to maintain a good and happy life.
I haven’t achieved all my goals, so I am going to continue along this road in order to do that. There is no slowing down at this stage, and you’ve just got to throw down the hammer you know. Keep pushing as hard as you can.
Just Now – Jordy Smith from Dane Staples on Vimeo.
You went into Hawaii looking and feeling good, and ended up the year as mentioned, in fourth place. How did you feel at the end of the year?
You know, I had one of the best years of my life. It was an incredible year for me to be honest, and bar one or two bad results, I thought that it was just a shit-load of fun. Hawaii was great.
I was surfing great and I was relaxed and Hawaii is always an amazing place. The pressure was there, but after Europe, it was all pretty much done and dusted from my side. Before Hawaii, I won the contest that I have wanted to win for a lifetime, and having a Bells title was one of the highlights of my career.
I also had a 20-point heat last year, and they’re even more rare than a world title. At the end of the year I was stoked about that year for a number of reasons. One of the things I realised during the year however is that sometimes you just can’t create your own luck, despite what people say. I also had a 20-point heat last year, and they’re even more rare than a world title
Sometimes there are things that happen in a heat that you can’t control, and you just have to deal with them, you know? I have no regrets from last year – shoulda woulda coulda – and sometimes mistakes end up in your benefit. I remember surfing against Ace (Buchan) during the year, and he caught this really crappy left and he fell off. Then right where he fell off, on the next set, this absolute bomb appears for him, far away from where the waves had been breaking all heat. You can’t control that sort of shit.
There was a year on tour, a few years ago, when there wasn’t much joy. When it was like, so hard to get through a year and everything was conspiring against me, or so it felt at the time, but last year was great. There were so many good things about it, and so many good things that happened.